BAM About Us

We are a community of Christian Business Owners who desire faithfully to fulfill the Great Commission through godly stewardship by fellowshipping, mentoring, application and the practice of the Word of God, and modeling our platforms to shine His light in the world.

We are primarily followers of Christ, composed of enterprise founders, business owners, and startup innovators breaking new ground. The lives of our stakeholders and the way our businesses are run are governed by the principles and standards of the Holy Scriptures, including the way we deal with our employees, partners, and customers.

Our Mission

To unite, love, encourage, and strengthen Christian Business Owners in our journey together towards Godly stewardship.

Our Vision

To witness Christian Business Owners in the marketplace faithfully fulfilling the Great
Commission to impact the nation for God’s glory.


A business is intended to make PROFITS but our PURPOSE is primarily aligned with God’s redemptive and missional purpose. We take good care of our PEOPLE, fulfilling the Lord’s command to love our neighbor. We believe that we are responsible stewards of the PLANET that the Lord has given us.

Our Core Values


Our principles, actions, and decisions---everything we say and do---are guided by the Bible. (1 Corinthians 10: 31; Acts 5: 29; Psalm 1)


We walk the talk by modeling Christlikeness and integrity in the workplace and marketplace daily. (Colossians 3:17, Psalm 19:14)


We fulfill the Great Commission through evangelism, discipleship, and godly practices in our businesses. (Matthew 28: 18-20, 22: 37-39)