

We are blessed to share with you the testimonies of some of our BAM brothers and sisters on how God transformed their lives after they surrendered their businesses to Him.


Dylan WilkBusiness Owner, Personal Care Industry

My first business was all about greed, leaving me rich but empty. One night I cried out to God because everything in my life felt wrong. He called me to start a new business with Him front and center. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you". My co-founders and I put Him first in everything. No lagay. No worker exploitation. It has been 15 years of seeing God's faithfulness, walking with miracles, and seeing His trustworthiness when things get tough. During Covid-19, we did not lay anyone off, but saw God provide for our people. May God’s name be lifted up as more business people come to know Him.


Bertram LimBusiness Owner, Advertising Industry

In 1962, our company in obedience to God stopped accepting liquor and cigarette ads. There was a big drop in our revenues. We were No. 4 in the industry at that time, but we stood firm in wanting to please the Lord, without worrying about our position or profit. Gradually, we recovered and even became No. 1 for more than 50 years. Now, we glorify our Lord God through our business dealings. We also use our business to proclaim God’s messages, like our billboard saying OUR GOD SPEAKS (Talk to Me - God).


Amen SayBusiness Owner, Distribution Industry

I cannot work more than four hours in my business because the other time is spent working for the Lord. He is faithful when we consecrate our time to Him. For 20 years, from one company to eight, I maintain that schedule, and the Lord can multiply and bless. The most important thing: to walk with Him, allowing Him to nudge me, push me in the right direction, and have the humility to be corrected if I walk the wrong way. I’d like to invite everyone to join this October event to meet like-minded Christian Business Owners. We can learn from and encourage one another, bless others, and shine the light of Christ for God’s glory.


Kerwin TansekiaoBusiness Owner, Food Industry

We are not owners of our businesses, but we are God's STEWARDS over everything He has entrusted to us today. He has been training me to surrender my schedules and plans to His wisdom, leaving room for His further leading. The fellowship between brothers and sisters in the Lord in the BAM fellowships I attend reminds, encourages, and refreshes us as we continue to praise and worship the Lord through the businesses, resources, and the people He is continually entrusting to us in our journey.


Ann DyBusiness Owner, Banking Industry

Our business is our worship. We Christians Business Owners are faced with constant challenges. However, Philippians 2: 15-16 says we are to live in a way “that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.” In our workplace, we can make a difference in sharing the gospel and living a life that makes people want to know more about Jesus. Business as Mission Philippines’ different speakers throughout the years have helped us grow in Christ. This year on October 20-21, we have Pastor Edmund Chan as our speaker whom I have heard speak numerous times, challenging me in my Christian growth.


Glenn YuBusiness Owner, Petroleum Industry

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to meet wise men and women who taught me the Christian businessman’s purpose and plan, and modeled these in their lives, especially in running their businesses. I learned that God owns it all and that we are to be stewards of the business. As His manager, I seek His kingdom first and operate the business with excellence and integrity. My work is a spiritual act of worship and business is not just about profit but a platform to point people to Christ. If you desire to learn these principles, I encourage you to join the upcoming First BAM Asia Conference. Get equipped to run your business, God’s way.


Andrew LiusonBusiness Owner, Real Estate Industry

I have attended a number of events of BAM Philippines online, and each one has been a meaningful learning experience. Because of this, I am encouraged to see the work of BAM Philippines thriving and progressing in different parts of the country. This demonstrates the relevance of a ministry that advocates a Biblical approach to business through the 4P's concept of Purpose, People, Profit, and Planet, where godly stewardship is emphasized, the glory of Christ is pursued, and the dignity of God's creation is upheld.

I pray that the Lord will use BAM Philippines mightily to help Christian business owners realize the wisdom of operating their enterprises in a Biblical way, for what the Bible contains are not theories, but practical wisdom for fruitful living. In my decades of being in property development, I have personally experienced that the adage "In God We Trust," which is seen on top of many of our buildings, indeed led me to wise decision-making and kept me from unnecessary temptations in doing business.

Allow me this opportunity to commend Richard and Cathy Tan for their dedicated leadership and investment in BAM Philippines, together with the Philippine core team, and the Singapore team led by Bro. Matthew Kok. May the Lord grant you abundant strength and faithfulness to accomplish His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Jojo ChuaBusiness Owner, Car Industry

I am a Christian first before a businessman.

I am engaged in used car trading. It’s quite a shady industry. Mileage alteration is rampant and a very common practice among used car dealers. This is a huge challenge for me because, as a follower of Christ, I couldn’t do what these unscrupulous dealers are doing. Proverbs 11:1 says the LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.

The Word is simple and straight. The Lord hates dishonest numbers and is delighted in honest ones, and finds favor in it.

So, by God’s grace, I decided to trust and rely on God’s word than depend on my wisdom. At times it gets pretty challenging, but I just always remind myself that it is ALWAYS better to trust the Lord than follow the ways of men- Praise the Lord! We’ve been in the business for more than a decade now and we are not just surviving but thriving! All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ! 🙏


Elias and Cecilia CabarlesOwners, Wholesale and Retail Industry

Brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow Christian Business Owners, and servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, with immense gratitude, we share our testimony of transformation, not just for myself but also for my husband, Eli. I am Cecilia "Nenet" Cabarles from Panay Capiz, and Eli is from San Miguel Iloilo.

As sidewalk vendors, we lived with our own struggles. Eli was once immersed in vices, causing pain and tears in our relationship and business. However, God's grace worked mightily in his life, and in 1991, he accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized, leaving his old ways behind.

Eli's faith journey inspired me, and I followed him to enroll in the Berean School of Ministry. Together, we grew in our faith and graduated in 1993, becoming recognized ministers of the Gospel, and serving at Destiny Church under the First Assembly of God.

Starting our business with a small loan, we witnessed God's blessings as our peanut business flourished. Eli's dedication to the Lord led us to expand into various ventures with wisdom and knowledge from above.

Our children are now involved in our successful businesses while also serving in ministry. Through our experiences, we've learned that surrendering everything to Jesus brings unimaginable blessings. His transformative power is evident in both our lives, and we give Him all the glory, honor, and praise. May His love continue to impact our family and business as we serve Him faithfully. Amen.


Arlene JuantongBusiness Owner, Baking Supplies Distribution Industry

I grew up in an entrepreneurial environment, running our hardware store in grade 5. After becoming a chief accountant, I entered the garments retail industry. The Asian financial crisis in 1997 wiped out my investments. This humbling experience led me to seek God's grace and transform my self-reliance into God-confidence

When given a chance to start a business again, I aligned it with God's mission, vowing to give back and prioritize stewardship. Despite challenges, including the pandemic, I saw God's providence in my bakery supply store and distribution company.

I've learned to prioritize God's agenda, trust Him in adversity, and be resilient. While I'm still a work in progress, I trust God to guard what I've entrusted to Him. All glory belongs to God, and I'm grateful to Business as Mission-Philippines for this opportunity to share my testimony. May God continue to use me for His glory and inspire others.


Lorainne LimchesingBusiness Owner, Printing Industry

“What do we have that did not come from You, O Lord? Without HIM, we are nothing. God owns our business, we are only stewards.” These Biblical truths are carved in our Family Constitution - - breathed and lived out and are passed on to the next generation. God’s Lordship permeates our personal lives and businesses. Being ordained in business holds a tall order to humility, responsible stewardship, and total obedience to God. Spreading the Gospel and making disciples is an agenda closest to God’s heart. This was His last command before He ascended to heaven. His last command should be our first concern. God has placed us in the marketplace to fulfill this very purpose.